Single mom laid off from job and cant afford xmas presents?
2006-11-17 10:46:36 UTC
HI, I am a single mom of 2 little boys and was just laid off from my job, i was not thier long enough so can not collect unemployment. I go for days without eating so I can feed my children but am really worried about christmas this year, Im so afraid my kids will wake up in the morning to find nothing under the tree. I have gone to echo ect, and they say thier isnt much they can do on such little notice and the churchs i have gone too usually just send me to echo or snub me cuz im not a member. I really dont know where to turn my heart is just breaking and it brings me to tears almost every day.
37 answers:
2006-11-17 10:49:16 UTC
Maybe teach your children that christmas is not about presents and they won't grow up to be materialistic. Try making something with them and just give them your TIME. Have you asked your friends or family for a little help?
2006-11-17 11:02:16 UTC
I'm sorry to hear that the church has let you down as an institution rather than as the body of Christ it should be. Have you tried personally approaching the deacons of a particular church (the deacons are the people directly responsible for assisting the needy of the congregation and the community, as they were in Jesus's day responsible for 'widows and orphans'...) and spelling out exactly what your needs are? A grocery store voucher to get food for Christmas dinner, a Toys-R-Us gift card for the kids, a gas coupon or transit card?

You don't say how old your children are, but if they are old enough to expect gifts, they are old enough to have you sit lovingly with them and explain that 'we' (as a family) don't have enough money to buy a lot of presents this year. If you are so short that you are doing without food yourself, toys should not really be a priority. Consider this: if you fall ill, who will take care of your children? Adjust your own oxygen mask first, as they say on the airline safety drill...

Having said that, there are plenty of thrift stores and dollar stores where a few bucks can go a long way for some presents.

Try checking out the wonderful links online (because obviously you have internet access) such as - or Google yourself for phrases such as 'budget christmas' or 'thrifty christmas'. Pioneers managed to keep the Christmas spirit alive without store-bought decorations and gifts; showing the love you have for your boys is the best thing you can do.

Keep your courage and your faith alive, and make sure you take care of yourself as well.


2006-11-17 11:34:34 UTC
I'm appalled that churches would turn you away because you're not a member. I belong to a church that would do everything in their power to get you whatever help you needed. In fact, the priest would probably call one of our wealthier parishioners, explain the problem and ask what they could do to help you.

If you have 211 service in your area, call them and ask them for a referral (literally just dial 211 and you should get a "human services" operator).

There's always Toys for Tots. Ask your kids' teachers about agencies that work with underprivileged kids in the school. Someone else also mentioned That could be a great thing, but do NOT let anyone who answers you come to your home. Meet them in a neutral place - like a Walgreens' parking lot or major grocery store - well lit and public. And then make sure they don't try to follow you home. Craigslist is great and you can find a lot of help, but you have to be careful of the nuts who use it as a hunting ground.

Good luck and I wish you were in my town. I'd do everything I could to give your kids a Christmas.
2006-11-17 10:54:52 UTC
omg. I'm feel sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad for you! an idea is to make your own holiday presents. you can get paper and glue and other things to make cards or other stuff.

As for your food and money problem, try to get a newspaper and look for another job. Maybe even get a loan from a local bank and pay them back once you get a job. when you go grocery shopping, look for the shop rite or store name brands. they are usually much cheaper and sometimes on sale. Take the couple extra minutes to find out what the best, cheapest, and most money worth choice.

Try to join a church and then your can probably find help. Many Church's have people that can help. My church does a lot with Habitat for Humanity and other groups to help people. Also, look for a soup kitchen nearby. they can give out free food so you wont have to starve yourself for your children.Good Luck! If you need any more help, e-mail me. I will keep your family in my prayers.
I know, I know!!!!
2006-11-17 10:56:45 UTC
My heart goes out to you. I recommend going to sign up for food stamps immediately - like TODAY! Tell them it's an emergency and you need your application processed ASAP! While you are there you can explain your situation to them and ask about local charities than may be able to help with Christmas for the kids and your utility bills. I dont know where you live, but where I am we have many Christmas charities. There's Toys for Tots, church groups, etc. If you act now you can get your kids on one of their lists. Also, there is a nationwide group on the web called Freecycle.... Go there and join the group in your area, then you can make a post and explain your situation. You are likely to receive lots of help from folks on there. I have been in your situation before and I know exactly how you feel. Hopefully things will start looking up for you soon. Best of luck to you.
2006-11-17 10:52:28 UTC
First, your situation is tough, but it WILL get better

i would take this as an opportunity to get into the true spirit of christmas, which is about love, not things. i know it may be hard to children to understand that, esp if they're used to getting a lot of things, but they should. On christmas i would try to be very creative, either take them outside for a special christmas event. Or i would have them each make something special for each other. And/or hand out ious. If you really want to buy them something, remember young kids are more into quantity not quality (contrary to popular belief). If you go to a thrift store or a dollar store and get them 10 toy cars a peice they will be estatic. you can cover the gifts in cartoon newsprint or even ad print (something colorfull).

anyway, good luck!

also, try to contact WIC. they will be able to give you food and things.
2006-11-17 12:27:50 UTC
In your case I would be much more concerned about going for days without eating than I would about Christmas. Can you get on WIC? If you're laid off from your job you should be able to get food stamps. Then go to a thrift store and buy a few used toys for your kids. You could probably get them each two presents for under $10 total. The presents my daughter is getting for Christmas I either bought used or made myself. It's cheap but she doesn't mind.
2006-11-17 10:51:14 UTC
Your local social services office (have you gone for food stamps, leap and Medicaid?) should be able to point you in the right direction. Some food banks will help. Sometimes you get new, sometimes used. One place here (co) has used bikes. A friend of mine had some cops show up (unexpectedly) with coats and new toys for her kids. So check a lot of local places and register at a few. Good Luck
2006-11-17 10:51:19 UTC
That really sucks, I almost started to cry when I read this. You know what you can do to get chistmas presents, is make them yourself. Find little gadgets lying around the hosue you don't use anymore and make something new and great out of them. Making soemthing for the ones you love really shows how much you readlly do love them. I know I am only a teenager, but i've been through alot. I sure hope this helps.
Rosey55 D
2006-11-17 17:52:14 UTC
You might try getting on public assistance until you can find work. I don't know what kind of job you are looking for, but cleaning jobs are pretty easy to find. Call your local WIC office, they my be able to get you in touch with some programs that can help you.

I have to say that I'm surprised that your local churches would not help you out. I was raised by a pastor and his wife and they would always try to help folks in need. I hope that you get the help that you need. I wish I could help more, but my husband and I are scraping by also.
god knows and sees else Yahoo
2006-11-17 10:49:23 UTC
Post your e-mail address or Wish List "name" on a web site like Toys R Us, Target Walmart, etc

Let us know the 2-3 things the kids want, I will be happy to send 1-2 presents.
2006-11-17 10:55:34 UTC
I'm so sorry you are going through this i have 3 boys myself, first thing you do is cancel your Internet, cable , etc. things you dont need, the cost monthly just for this Internet can buy you thirty items at the 99 cents store that's alot of food, and go to a church and talk to someone about giving your kids gifts
2006-11-17 12:09:44 UTC
You might check with your local children's services bureau. They sometimes are able to help you out or point you in the right direction. I will keep you in my prayers & hope that someone will come thru for you. If someone does please remember to help someone else out in the future when you are able. One year when I had been off work sick and my husband was unemployed one of my coworkers knew we were having trouble coming up with presents for our 3 girls so one day when I came in to work there was an envelope with $50 in it on my desk with a note that said "Love, Santa". I never did find out who did it (I have my suspicions) but I try to do things like that for people ocasionally now that I can.
his temptress
2006-11-17 10:50:02 UTC
You should have a St Vincent de Paul organization near by, or Goodwill, Salvation Army etc. They can help you with food, clothing, utilities and Christmas presents. Best of luck to you.
2006-11-17 11:04:57 UTC
For one, get on government assistance. There is NOTHING to be ashamed of going that route. It was made and developed for people who are in your situation. My sister lost her job, got in a car wreck and broke both her arms. She couldn't draw unemplloyment because she was unable to work. Please do that, don't sit around hungry, and as heart moving as that is, there is no way you can fully take care of those kids being hungry. Secondly, go to Angeltree, they don't measure on if you are "too late"

Just remember, I know that you want (as all parents want) to be able to give to their children esp at Christmas time, but Christmas isn't about presents, it is about the birth of our Lord.
2006-11-17 10:50:14 UTC
I feel for you..

How old are you children? Try making something for them. Hand made and then wrap it up. kids don't care about what kinds of gifts or giftwraps. They just enjoy the thrill of running to the tree ripping open those gifts...

I hope you find something soon.. Holidays are coming and store will be doing a mass hiring.. so stay strong
Starry Eyes
2006-11-17 11:03:37 UTC
i am sorry to hear about that. on christmas day, take your boys down to a homeless shelter and show them that even on christmas there are people who don't even have a home. show them all of the great things that they DO have! a mom that loves them and sacrifices things for them. a place to go to school. clothes to wear. it may seem like basic things, but they may be taking those things for granted. things will get better for you, i promise!
2006-11-17 10:49:23 UTC
Call your local Family Independence Agency (welfare office) and there are always programs to help out women like you during the holidays! Good Luck Hun, Happy Holidays! E-mail if more ?'s, I've been there!!
2006-11-17 11:11:38 UTC
First try to get some temporary hepl and health insurance from your state. Second for quick easy cash, try to find some things around the house and try to ebay them. You can make some quick cash that way. Good luck. I hope everything works out for you!
2006-11-17 10:49:23 UTC
Try the Salvation Army. Your kids can write the one present they really want on a card, and generous people and businesses will purchase the gifts for them.
2006-11-17 10:50:04 UTC
Try you local Department of Family & Children Services.
2006-11-17 10:49:43 UTC
first step is to find out if there is a Headstart center in your area. It is a government funded preschool. If their is one, then you need to talk to someone there about sub for santa. They offer alot of help for kids up to the age of 12 I think. Good luck and it will all work out.
Fluffy Rover
2006-11-17 10:53:36 UTC
I am a single mom too... I know how hard this is for you. Here is my email... I would be happy to send some gifts for your boys. My Son and I have been given many blessings, and I would be happy to pass some on to you!

Email me!
2006-11-17 11:17:22 UTC
oh my gosh i am so sorry to hear that.

have you gone to like your local rescue mission, salvation army , Catholic char ties. community action. Here in Ny those places are the place to go.

If you e mail me at and send me your childrens ages and adress I can send you a few things for them.

allison b
2006-11-17 10:50:28 UTC
if you cant find help then turn to friends and family if that don't work theres always fast-food that Will hire threes no such things as no job it may not be your 1st choice but but them first and swallow your pride if nothing else then tell them this year y'all are make Christmas gifts
The Punisher
2006-11-17 10:49:36 UTC
Its a typical thing for big companies to lay people off before Xmas, they have no consideration for people. In my opinion the best way to get some money since your out of work is to collect bottles and cans, it not that much but its something.
2006-11-17 10:59:43 UTC
dont stress your self i am a single parent w/ 2 boys and preg w/ my 3rd and i worry about the same thing but god will make a way
2006-11-17 10:55:28 UTC
I will keep you in my prayers, I wish you lived near me, I know of a GREAT place that can help. email me and I'll see what I can do. how old are the children?
2006-11-17 10:55:22 UTC
It's not too late to get a job at Starbucks, Wal Mart or even Best Buy.

Stop worrying and start doing.... that is the best thing you can do.
Jessie P
2006-11-17 10:54:45 UTC
Call the Salvation Army. They can help.
2006-11-17 10:49:54 UTC
craigslist would be a good place to post. maybe check with the salvation army. or even make your own presents
2006-11-17 10:49:57 UTC
Try asking 'Toys for Tots' and if that church doesn't help you, please try another church.

When I was younger, my mom went to church to get gifts and they sent her home with plenty. That christmas was a lot of fun.

Good luck!
2006-11-17 10:48:50 UTC
I am sorry to hear about your dilemma.Contact your local Salvation Army--they will help you.

Best wishes.
2006-11-17 11:02:38 UTC
call your local salvation army,they should know other places you can go to.
2006-11-17 10:58:49 UTC
email me at i will send few gifts your way!
2006-11-17 10:48:22 UTC
2006-11-17 10:47:59 UTC
get a loan

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.