He is going from his own stuff to my things and my house he has taken and put holes in my walls and in every thing that he puts his hands on. I have tried every thing from taking his thing time outs even not letting him out of his room and nothing i do is working he is still destroying every thing he can and every thing that he can touch i have done every thing that i can thing of but taking him to the doctors and seeing if it is something that they can help me with. Is there any thing that i can do to him to get him to realize that this is not right. i have even sat him down and try talking to him about what he is do and he can not tell me why or any thing that seems to make seance to me about what he is do and why. if you think that you have any thing that might work please write me and give me any advice that you think that will help me i am open to any thing i don't know what to do i am at the end of my road and don't know where else to go