Yup! We have family friends who are COMPLETELY opposite of us in terms of politics. They have so much money it’s insane and her children have been born with a silver spoon in their mouths. We love them to pieces. We grew up with them. Our parents are best friends.
But in regards to politics and certain beliefs, holy goodness, we can’t be anymore different or think any more opposite.
One of the girls posted a blog recently that I personally found SOOOO offensive. I love this girl like a sister, and we learn to not debate because we both think our way is right. And it’s actually something that just don’t discuss. We each have our opinions and we leave it at that.
Some things we can laugh about in regards to different beliefs but other topics are touchy. So we just don’t discuss and we respect that.
I personally am not religious but I don’t hold it against someone if they are. As long as they don’t hold it against me that I’m not. I have my stances on abortion and education and parenting and someone else will have theirs. If you can respectfully debate in your friendship, rock on! If you can’t, then learn to avoid it but respect each other’s opinions.
Sometimes it’s really hard, other times it’s not.
** ADD **
Carrie, that’s because online, it’s totally different. People hide behind the computer whereas in real life, it’s not as easy to debate about things. My opinion of course!