What is your view on towns that have a curfew for kids?
2009-08-22 19:58:02 UTC
I am curious. I read in the paper this morning that in a near by town 2 parents were arrested because their children were out after said curfew.

I totally do not agree with towns telling me when my kids should be in the house. (that is when I have kids)

So what do you think? what is your view on this?
Eighteen answers:
2009-08-22 22:13:11 UTC
My view on the situation you describe here is that that is absurd. However, I do favor curfews that are set at an appropriate time and not enforced by over zealous officers, as it sounds was the case here. I would consider that a child on any part of a property, be it their own or as a bona fide guest, at "home" and within the scope of supervision.
2009-08-22 20:12:39 UTC
This is a difficult question. Generally I am a big supporter of parents rights. However, I realize their are a lot of uninvolved parents today and having children out roaming around at all hours is a danger to them and the community. I've live in several different towns in my life and I think they all have had curfews. In every case the law was very reasonably written. Seriously kids only get into curfew violation trouble when they are already up to no good. If the parents were arrested it was probably because their children were persistent violators. It's no different than holding parents responsible for their child's persistent truancy.
Phil P
2009-08-22 20:13:00 UTC
I live in a town with a curfew. No kids, teens, or college students can be out after midnight Saturday through Thursday night, or 1 AM on Friday night. I personally love it. I don't want my kids out after midnight anyway. Not that I think they're all troublemakers, but things become 10 times more dangerous at night, and I don't have to worry about them. If teens are found out after curfew, though, no one is arrested, they usually give you a few warnings first, then small fines. I think arresting the parents is a bit overkill. But overall, I think curfews are a great idea.
2009-08-22 20:17:55 UTC
All towns/cities have a curfew for children, the same way they all have truancy laws. It's in place to keep children safe and where they should be... and maybe instill some responsibility in the parents to know where their kids are. I fully agree with curfew laws, kids don't need to be running around at all hours doing whatever they please. However, I do think the children need to have more consequences than the parents.
2009-08-23 05:24:50 UTC
My town has a curfew, under 16 need to be indoors by 9.30pm and under 18s by 11pm.

They can be out with a parent or a responsible Adult, to be honest here it really works, there is alot less violence and gangs hanging around the street, and why would a kid need to be out walking the streets late at night.
Michelle .
2009-08-22 20:31:30 UTC
I can understand how city officials think it will make things easier for them (reducing crime, etc.) but I do not agree with it. In my city, if you're 15 and under you have to be off the streets by 10 and if you're 16 or 17 you have to be in by 11. This makes it hard for us kids who aren't trouble-makers. For example, my friends and I were waiting for someone to pick us up from the movies during the winter, but the theatre workers made us wait outside in the negative 5 degree weather because it was after 10. Then security guards stopped to talk to (yell at) us for being outside past the curfew and threatened to call the police. It was a lose-lose situation, and there are plenty of other bad situations that we as well as others have been in because of this curfew. I don't mean to sound like one of those kids who thinks they're above everyone, but it's not really anybody's job but my parents' to tell me when to be in the house.
Invisible Pink Unicorn
2009-08-23 08:59:54 UTC
They are cheapskates. If they built youth centres and other things for young people then there would be no need for curfews. It epitomizes the discrimination that young people face. What if they want to walk back from a friends or take their dog for a walk? I agree with you that during the summer kids just want to have fun. I think it is appalling that 'developed' countries would enact such laws.
2009-08-22 20:30:45 UTC
I agree with town curfews especially for teenagers. It will keep less kids on the streets after dark and will keep them and other people safer.
2009-08-22 20:08:49 UTC
i have a few things to say about state ordered curfew it sucks for the kids that are not trouble makers and their parents know where they are and what they are doing and then for the kids that have parents that they don't care what they kids are doing pr where they are as long as they are out of their hair i think that the curfew is a good idea
Jeff N
2009-08-22 20:24:44 UTC
I think they're great. Trouble-maker or not, what possible reason could kids have for being out of the house after dark? I don't agree with parents being arrested because their child(ren) sneak out. In my day, the cops took the kid(s) home and the parents dealt with them. Usually, using a belt or a paddle.
Live and Learn
2009-08-22 20:12:15 UTC
when I was a teen the curfew was 12 or 1 am. as a teen i thought it was unfair. as a parent I think, why the hell do my kids need to be out that late anyway. everything is closed. what are they going to do???
2009-08-23 09:53:55 UTC
I dont agree with it.

I'd feel like im living in a jail.Plus the kids in our town usually run

around until 10:30 at night.

That would be a suckish summer!
Shady Eagle .357
2009-08-23 14:54:16 UTC
It's based on he view that kids will only do bad things after dark. In other words, it is a ridiculous generalization.
2009-08-22 20:07:17 UTC
Where I live, if you're under 18 you must be in by midight.

I don't like it, but where am I supposed to go at midnight? My boyfriends? He's usually sneaking in my house at midnight.

peanut 2
2009-08-22 20:03:46 UTC
I think its a horrible idea, It brands all teenagers as troublemakers and pests to society. Not all teens are casing trouble. I Dont see any reason to put a curfew on a town unless there is like a serial killer who only targets teenagers who are out after 9

what happened to a free country? your not even allowed out of your house after certian hours like its a cage
2009-08-22 20:57:44 UTC
I don't like it. What gives them a right to tell me how late MY kids should be out.
King of the potato-people
2009-08-23 01:20:40 UTC
It's no different than women's' oppression or segregation.
2009-08-22 20:02:13 UTC
idk ware you live, if your in a bigger town they don't care.

thers no curfew ware i live

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