Hi - I normally don't answer questions on Yahoo, but I came accross your question and it caught my attention.
I can completely relate to this issue ....
So, let me give you a realistic answer, rather than all of these childish answers that you have received from people that obviously haven't " walked in your shoes."
My situation is a little different than yours I'm sure, but it's very similar.
I'm a 27 yr old stay at home mom. My husband works 14 hour days and 6 days per week.
I am home all day with my little boy who has a heart condition. He is 19 months old and is a bit delayed physically ( but not mentally ) due to his heart condition. He had open heart surgery 10 months ago, and is advancing quickly. He does not walk, but he crawls very fast and is getting into everything in our home, just as any toddler would at this age. I also have a 9 yr old son that needs love and attention as well. He has chores, homework, etc ... that I need to be firm about and I need to make sure he is on task. Sometimes, while I'm doing something with my older son .. the lil' one is gettin' into stuff or whining at my leg. This is overwhelming!!
So ... here's my point! I completely undertstand that you are probably tired at the end of your day from everything you've done throughout the course of your day with your son.
I know how exhausting it can be .... meal time, bath time, bed time, playtime, demanding this and that ... you're running here and there ... !!
Believe me! I know how this feels!
My personal opinion is that society kind of expects the women (especially a stay at home mom) to do all of these things with the children and not be tired at the end of the day! Our husband comes home and is allowed to relax and go to bed early. The women are still cleaning, doing laundry ... bathing the kids, and putting them to bed. Our days seem to never end!! After all ... Hey! We don't work! We just stay at home and play with the kids all day and watch TV! Right?? >>> NOT ME!! <<<
With my husband working so many hours every day and being at the office 6 days per week, I don't even get out much, let alone have time to myself as you mentioned. However, I would suggest that you take a relaxing shower or get on the computer if that's what you enjoy - while your son takes a nap during the day (if he takes naps). If not, then you need to start being firm and in a loving but serious way. Put your foot down and take control of the situation. You should be able to put a movie on for your son for atleast 30 minutes during the day so that you can do the things that you want to do by yourself.
A good example to use when talking about this issue with your husband is to mention the following ...
Your husband gets a lunch break during the day, right? So, he gets a minute to collect his thoughts even if he's driving to McDonald's to get lunch. He gets a few minutes every day to relax. You need to bring this to his attention.
If you two normally communicate well, You can tell your husband gently that you need a break once in a while. Explain to him that you would like him to assist you in getting more of a "routine" for the household. This way, he is not thinking that you are expecting him to work all day and then come home and work some more. Or ask him if he'd like to "relax" with his son while you take care of a few things. Then, go get on the computer or do something for a few minutes that you want to do.
Another suggestion is to try to give your son his baths during the day and feed him dinner before your husband gets home if possible. Maybe you can begin a routine this way, and when your hubby gets home it would be more relaxing for the both of you.
When it gets to be around 8pm or so in the evening, I say "OK! It's QUIET time now." My kids know what that means. It means - Dim the lights or turn them off and watch a movie, read, or just relax until bed time.