Are there any others who are scared of the way things are?
2006-04-03 07:03:01 UTC
I am a married man (20 years), with two teenage kids. I am scared fo the way the world seems to be sinking. There is little respect for anything and it seems harder to raise children these days.
Nine answers:
2006-04-03 07:12:38 UTC
teenage years will be the hardest years for growing up kids.this is the transition years from childhood to adulthood.they are thinking they are already grown up and can decide for themselves. they value more their peers to be "in". still they need a lot of guidance, don't let go , don't give up, hang in there, in time after they pass this stage, all the things, the teachings that you've been pounding on them are still with them.they'll thank you later.
2006-04-03 07:11:16 UTC
This Is A Very Hard World To Live In I Am On The Same Page As You

I Get Real Scared About World Politics Especially

All I Can Say Is You Are Not Alone With And Theres ALOT MORE

People Feeling The Way You Do Than You Think

I Have 2 Grown Sons One Is Serving In The US Navy As I Did 20 Years Ago

Keep The Faith Brother

If Ya Wanna Talk More About Anything

I Am

2006-04-03 07:10:21 UTC
I'm not impressed with the way society (and the world) has changed. Too many people looking for the "easy money" and the "quick fix" to everything. No one seems to appreciate real value, or the effort it takes. Criminals seem to be the icons and heroes of our younger generations, who only see the wealth.

And what happened to our health? I remember as a child eating a peanut butter sandwich and drinking a glass of milk every day, taking it as my lunch for school. Nowadays, it's like 1 of every 2 kids is either allergic to peanuts, is lactose intolerant, or doped up on Ritalin. WHAT?!?!?

Sadly, unless something major happens to our society, I can only see it spiraling downwards until it crumbles.
2006-04-03 07:19:33 UTC
These are chaotic and scary times. I do believe that the media does not help the matter, but anyone that is paying attention to what is going on would have every reason to be concerned.

However, life must go on. We cannot allow ourselves to become crippled with fear. Someone pointed out to me recently that when the Cuban Missle Crisis was happening that there were people dropping out of college because they saw no future ahead of them or living in a state of total panic.... there is something to be learned from that as well.
2006-04-03 07:09:29 UTC
I am married with young children and it terrifies me. Where it wasnt that long ago that I was in school the thought of my children going to public schools and dealing with the problems children are, and the thought of drugs or early sex scares the begezzaz out of me. I do the best I can and hope for the best. There are always outside influences but I try to teach them to be strong people with strong morales but you can only do the best you can. Just try to remember that every generation of parents has gone through this dilemma.
2006-04-03 07:10:48 UTC
I think you are so right. I sit in a dinner and look around, so much disrespect. Parents on cell phones and reading newspapers instead of talking to their children. Kids allowed to scream back and curse. It makes it hard when you are the parent making the child mind "when Mikey's mother lets him" I have 3 grown children and 2 small grandchildren, and I fear for them, fear for their future, and I feel so helpless. I read to them, love them, teach them respect, and just try to be there when they need me.
Da da da
2006-04-03 07:07:15 UTC
You raise your kids right, I'll raise my kids right, and all will work out in the end. I've been listening to people whine about the end of civil society for 30 years now. Pfeh.
2006-04-03 07:04:48 UTC
Quit watching the nightly news. They only show the bad things. There are wonderful things about our world all around us. Keep an open mind and talk to your kids about how they can do good things.
2006-04-03 07:17:02 UTC
Not me...

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