My 5 year old daughter steals...what should I do?
Gayle M
2008-01-09 10:29:18 UTC
My daughter steals from her friends. It's not just candy or little things. It's the parent's cell phone, toys, jewelry and money. She's done this many times and I've disciplined her with time out, admission and apologizing to the owner, analygies to her being "the little kid who steals" and people not wanting to play with her. I really don't know what else to do. She's a really good child except in this area. Need serious advice please!
Sixteen answers:
2008-01-10 03:52:08 UTC
Children have bottoms for a reason, and it's not just to sit with. Your daughter will keep doing what she pleases until the punishment of the crime becomes worse then the benefit of committing it. All this meaning - If I'm 5 and want to steel something, what's going to stop me? For me, it was the thought of my pants pulled down and being spanked until my bottom was glowing in the dark. 5 year olds may not understand everything, but they understand SPANKINGS that's for sure.

Ask yourself this: Does your daughter have any reason in the back of her head not to steal? If not, maybe you'd be wise to put one there.
2008-01-13 01:27:13 UTC
do not use hitting or things like that like the OTHERS said because that will just make her hate you and go somewhere without you knowing. Here is what to do: tell her that she is doing bad things take her to the jail cells and tell her this is what will happen. This may sound cruel but could do the trick. Here is the plan:

next time she steels arrange something with the police. Tell them to pick her up on the next day and take her to the jails. She will think she is getting toooken to jail. You must stop this at once or she may become something bad later in her life!

Also do not let her see her friends. Say to her "whatever you steal if you have it then you wont be aloud to use it for a week after that say sorry to the owner and if there is damage you will pay for it."

If she does not have the item she stole then look in the shops to find it and say she stole a mobile phone and say it was $99.95 then tell her to give you that much money. If she does not have that money then say she gets $20 a week/month then tell her you will not be getting you pocket money for 5 months/weeks because five twenties make up $100.00 also try taking her to church and telling her what bad things are going to happen to her if she stays like this. Also tell her if she doesn't steal for (as much months as you want) then you can go out and have a day with her buying things and doing fun things with her. Also at home try playing games with her and stuff because it might be that she is bored.
2008-01-09 11:07:20 UTC
She may be suffering from an impulse control disorder. I would speak to her doc about the possiblility.

When i worked at a retail store, i had numerous parent's who would bring their child back for taking something and have the security guard talk to them.

Take one of her most favorite things, then when she asks about it, tell her someone "must have stolen it" and guage her reaction and ask her how it feels to be stolen from...

Remember she is five and at this age most everything is "impulse". She may think that it is ok to take stuff and not fully understand what stealing is. It may be time to try something more than "time out", like grounding or taking away her stuff and priveledges. let her know how serious this is and when she feels the need to take something, tell her she has to ask first or she will be punished in a way that affects her most.

Good luck......
2008-01-09 10:42:36 UTC
I would have to say, stop any playdates for a while. And make sure you tell her why she lost all playdates. Be honest with her. Everytime she says, can I go play at Susys house, say, no, you don't get to play at any ones house until you can stop stealing things. It may get her attention faster then putting her on time outs, etc. Maybe she will learn faster from this and soon will be able to continue with going to her friends homes, and their parents will appreciate it and respect you afterwards. Good Luck!
2008-01-09 14:01:12 UTC
I had this problem with my 5 year old, taking things from stores.

I would take her to the friends house and make her give the item back and apologize.

If it continues, call the police! That will scare her and let her know how serious the situation is!
2017-03-05 07:16:49 UTC
Books transform your sentence structure, reading level, spelling, vocabulary, and tend to be educational than T generally.V.
2017-01-31 04:36:11 UTC
While I watch Tv set I always feel like I should be doing something more beneficial
2008-01-09 10:44:50 UTC
Go and steal her most favorate toy or what ever she play with the most. so she know how it is to be stolen from. Or it that doesnt work then fake her getting arrested. that would realy scare her and mabe she wont do it agen. but get a friend to do it. my brother did this too and my dad took him to a jail cell, and showed him what it was like to be there for stealing and he never did it again.
2008-01-09 10:40:57 UTC
Make arrangements for her to take a tour of your local police station. When you get to the jail cells have an intimidating officer explain to her that this is where they keep people who steal things.
2008-01-09 10:33:14 UTC
Get her "arrested"...that should scare the **** out of her.

And what ever happened to just beating your kids? When I was growing up, the reason you didn't steal was beacuse you got your ass BEAT if your parents found out. That worked pretty well for me.
2008-01-09 10:34:19 UTC
Take her by the local police station and have an officer tell her what happens to people who steal. I took my son downtown and had an officer speak with him about not wearing his seatbelt and it really got his attention.
2008-01-09 10:35:08 UTC
I'm not surprised that punishments don't work. Try "Positive Discipline for Preschoolers" by Jane Nelsen. Reading the book will help you understand what is the best way to bring up a child.
2008-01-09 10:33:03 UTC
take something away from her. like zero tv. or bed time at 7 steal something from her.
2008-01-09 10:46:23 UTC
slap her butt and then tell her that she can't go anywhere unless she stops stealing
2008-01-09 10:45:01 UTC
i agree with getting her arrested, she is breaking the law no matter how old she is.

good luck
2008-01-09 10:44:42 UTC
spank that bottom till it is cherry red

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.