my daughter wants to wear make-up next year in 9th grade?
2008-06-01 20:41:17 UTC
I'm really not for her growing up, but her friends all seem to be wearing make-up and they're all great kids.

My wife on the other hand says to wait until she's a sophomore in High School

What do you think - please state your age and or experience in this - so I can give your advice some weight. Thanks
29 answers:
Jamie Z
2008-06-01 20:55:34 UTC
I'd say it's ok with a little cute eye shadow, teach her less is more, and allow her to go to the store with your wife and pick out some light eye shadows that aren't too much, but are something to make her feel a little more "grown up". Don't try to hold her back because she will just go to school and put on makeup.

OH MY GOODNESS, don't listen to 14 and expecting twins, it was more than makeup that got her into that predicament. That is so sad, goodness gracious.
2016-05-23 12:42:55 UTC
Wow. On the off chance you are not a troll, can you believe what you just said?! You think she's wetting the bed because she wants to? Don't you think she'd rather get up if she could than wear diapers? What you said to her mother is shocking, coming from an adult. You owe her mother a huge apology and you need to make your loose lips disloyal daughter apologize. If you have an ounce of class you'll see to it that your daughter knows in no uncertain terms that such info is NOT for public discussion, and that she betrayed her friend's trust. It may be a long time before anyone trusts her again with any kind of personal info. Hopefully Sammie will have the dignity to deny everything and make Kayla look like the one who made up a story to make herself look good. Karma and all that. She doesn't say anywhere in her post that Sammie was bullying Kayla. And she DID invite her to the sleepover, something a bully generally wouldn't do. Just because Kayla envied her does not make her a villain.
2008-06-02 00:31:18 UTC
Okay, I'm not 14 and expecting twins, but I am a mother of a 10 year old with one on the way. I also taught school for a decade. I think that make up, especially for a teenager, is like dressing up, trying on new clothes, listening to new styles of music...these are all costumes that children wear (we know she's still a child, but DON'T tell her that...she'll feel belittled) to express themselves. If she is a normal 9th grader she will change her look 10-20 times before graduation to find a way to truly express who she IS (which she is still trying to figure out).

I would get her to show you pictures of girls that she thinks are pretty and talk about how they wear their hair and make up and how they physically present themselves. This will give you an opportunity to see what she has in mind and to discuss what you and your family value as acceptable.
2008-06-01 20:58:57 UTC
I would say 9th grade is the beginning of high school. It is really important on how you look and such, becuase teen girls can be SO mean. Is there really that much of a difference in one year?

Make-up doens't have to be trashy looking. Just make sure she knows how to do it right. It can always be washed off if you don't approve !

I'll be in my 20's for a few more years (never ask a lady her age haha) My 16 year old sister stays with me about 2 weeks out of every month so I hear all the Highschool stories.
Keersten C
2008-06-01 20:53:59 UTC
I'm 26 and I think I started wearing my moms makeup and she really didn't have a say about it when I was 13, but you know from then on, she taught me how to do it, and if I wanted to wear it, it was bought with my own money. She still to this day will not get up and put makeup on but maybe 3 or 4 times a month, therefore she never really saw the need to cover things up. Ultimately though I would let her be independent, but definitely make sure she is applying correctly. Less is more. Maybe if your wife talked it over with her and showed her how to do and maybe played dress up with her it wouldn't seem so overwhelming to all of you.

Usually for me, if my parents accepted it I was the apprehensive one, but if they were apprehensive for any reason, I wanted it that much more!
2008-06-01 20:53:00 UTC
I'm 24 and started wearing makeup in 6th grade or so. I don't think this is a battle worth fighting until she's a sophmore- I can guarantee you that at least 90% of the girls her age are wearing makeup on a daily basis.. It's not all about what everyone else is doing but you also don't want her to feel like an outsider, you know?
2008-06-01 22:07:15 UTC
Let her wear it. Have your wife teach her how to put it on so she doesn't look like a clown. A little bit of makeup is ok. I started to wear a little makeup in the later part of 7th grade. A little bit of blush, and mascara with light lip gloss. Then in 8th grade I started to wear eyeliner and eyeshadow. When i got in highschool I wore foundation plus the afforementioned. It's part of being a girl and growing up.

Remember, you will only make it worse by forbidding her from wearing it. She may sneak behind your back and make herself up so bad she looks like a clown. Then you will be fighting with her endlessly, and over what....her growing up and discovering her own path??? Not a battle I'd pick with my teenager . Sex, drugs, alcohol, curfews, wearing revealing clothes, and all the other bad things are what is important for you to stand your ground on right now.
2008-06-01 20:48:50 UTC
Im 22 and I have a daughter as well. My mother let me start wearin make up in like the 6th grade but I while I will allow my daughter to wear make up when she starts high school (9th grade) she will have to wear it in a manner that will be calm and not to much. She isnt goin out the house like most kids do now days. She will be restricted to colors of a neutral matter. I would not let her look like a clown or a hooker.
2008-06-01 20:48:13 UTC
most girls start wearing makeup in jr high. in high school girls have a lot of peer pressure and are very self conscious. i suggest letting her start off with a little lip gloss and eye liner and gradually ease her into wearing makeup. i remember when i first started wearing makeup i had bought bright blue eye shadow and bright pink lipstick and looked like a clown. it's funny now. i guess i was in the 6th grade or so, but that was many years ago. take her to a makeup counter in the mall so they can show her how to apply it nicely and the stylish way. (you don't have to buy their products, but they do give a lot of good advice if you act interested).
2008-06-01 20:46:38 UTC
I'm 34 and have a 8 yr old who loves makeup but I only let her wear it at home for dress ups but a little lip gloss at anytime is ok. i think your daughter would be ok with a little make up on but not allow her to over do it let her show off her beautiful young skin for a bit longer before you have to wear makeup to cover the aging goodluck
2008-06-02 08:58:42 UTC
Im 19 now.. I started wearing makeup when I was in grade 7. Out of all of the girls in my class who had interest in makeup there was ONE girl with a crazy-control-daddy who didnt let her wear makeup until grade 9. He insisted on taking her when he finally did let her wear makeup to get it and he CHOSE every little thing to ensure she wouldnt overdo it....(clear mascara, no joke) Anyway, I hope you know she will probably sneak it on at school anyway, that's how supressed teens do.
loving mommy life!!
2008-06-01 20:51:39 UTC
Id say grade 9 is ok. Make sure its not like heavy make up but a lil bit is fine.

Lol to the 14 year old whos excpecting twins "ive been wearing make up since i was 12" hahaha
The Israelight
2008-06-02 03:05:36 UTC
in 9th, suggest letting her put just little makeup. a little mascara or some lipstick.. nothing too heavy, you dont want her to become a woman yet- but you need to understand what a little make-up an do for her in a social jungle, or school. these kids are running towards adulthood and they will step on whoever they need to to get there

let her sit at home with her mommy/older sister/babysitter to learn the basics of make-up and to make it easy for her to apply on the morning rush to school, but try to let her have some creativity too.
2008-06-01 20:52:43 UTC
I wasn't much in to make up still not but I would let her wear the basics lipstick eye shadow eye liner no foundation just a little and not to much less is better
2008-06-01 21:08:47 UTC
I'm 13 and I wear make-up sometimes when I go to parties. Most of my friends (about your daughter's age) started wearing make-up when they were 7th grade.
Emily & her mommy love Da Bears!
2008-06-01 20:44:55 UTC
I was 14 when I started wearing make-up and am now 39. Just make sure that your wife teaches her how to apply it properly.
2008-06-01 21:54:50 UTC
What is the problem with her doing it? It's her body and therefore she should make the choices regarding it if no one is being harmed. Makeup does not hurt anyone.

You're not really for her growing up? That's a good parenting method. Hey, lets shelter our kids because we don't want them growing up for our own convenience. *sarcasm*
proud mommy :)
2008-06-01 20:44:40 UTC
I had to wait until I was 16 to wear makeup and when I was allowed to I was only allowed to wear natural colors. Go with her and pick some out with her so she doesn't end up looking like one of those slutty girls. I am now 21 and rarely wear makeup lol.
2008-06-01 20:54:47 UTC
I wore lipgloss at 11 and pale pink lipstick at 12

eye shaddow @13 and dark lipstick and eyeliner at 14.

and I am not pregnant!
Annette T
2008-06-01 20:57:24 UTC
I think 15 is fair. Maybe some lip gloss and pastel colors and mascara TOPS! No dark eyeliner, foundation or dark lipsticks. They will thank you later when they are older and look fine without make-up on. Tell her just to moisturize her skin and keep it beautiful and simple. Make-up is to "enhance" your beauty, not look like you are a "drag queen".
2008-06-01 20:48:14 UTC
sounds about a good time....just have someone show her how to put it on correctly.... and make sure she uses natural tones...not bright colors...if you dont let her she is just going to put it on in the girls room at school and some other girl will show her how to cake it on to look like a clown...... thats what i did.... i am 28 and started using make up around 9th grade...
2008-06-01 20:51:33 UTC
im a junior in high school and i started wearing make up in 7th grade so i think its pefectly acceptable to wear make up in the 9th
2008-06-01 20:51:05 UTC
im 15 and i wear makeup to school. i started like 7th grade. its not really a big deal, but i hate it when girls have way to much orangey foundation, its gross, so make sure its not too much.
2008-06-01 20:44:56 UTC
Let her decide. It's her face.

34 year old mom of 2 and a huge believer in choosing your battles wisely. :0)

Good luck!
2008-06-01 20:57:16 UTC
i couldnt wear makeup until i was eighteen, im 21 now and i am thankful because i am confident enough to no have my face covered in make up, i appreciate the beauty i have without make up and dont feel like i have it on so i could feel comfortable, its really unnecessary, its like putting on a new face and covering up who you really are, i wear eyeliner and mascara, and sometimes eye shadow,
2008-06-01 21:04:08 UTC
Its about time you let her wear make-up.

I've been wearing it since I was 11..

It's not like its going to completley change her.
2008-06-01 21:15:55 UTC
let her trust me it might be embarrassing if she has to tell her friends that shes not allowed to wear make up. shes entering high school i think its time to let her.
2008-06-01 20:55:34 UTC
i'd let her do it, just not let her overdo it. i think i started at like 9th grade or so
2008-06-01 20:43:42 UTC
ive ben allowed to wear make up since i was 12 i think its about time u let her

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