Its a bit late to be having this conversation now... you all (and other couples) should have these kinds of conversations before marriage so that there is not any conflict later on or misunderstanding or hard feelings.
The fact that you are questioning the notion that you arent able to have a firm pull in he decision making process for your household suggests that you dont like the idea. So, you should ask, whats right for 'MY' house? Whats right for your house might not be right for someone elses, etc.
My husband and I are joint decision makers. Most of the decisions are left to me because my husband is not savvy when it comes to researching things we want to buy to get the best deal or, similar. When we disagree we compromise or, one or the other of us backs down.
In the bible, if you are Christian, the head of the house is suppose to be the man. When it comes to decisions where we disagree and my husband is animate in his decision, which doesnt happen often, I give in. I do so because he compromises more than not and when he doesnt its because he feels very serious about something and as his wife, I respect that ultimately he is the head of the house. Being head doesnt mean being walked on though. God also said that a man should love his wife as much as he loves himself and as much as God loves her. Its like team building and totem poles in the workforce, the top of the totem pole might symbolize the king of the tribe but without the others holding up the king there would be no totem. Basically, you all need to make key decisions about the children TOGETHER.
You might want to sit down w/ your husband and discuss his idea of raising your future child and see if you all are even on the same page. Discipline, bedtime, etc. are all factors you should consider. Goals for the child and programming/structure should also be discussed. If you all arent seeing eye to eye, now is the time to negotiate, not once the baby is born and, if you find that he is set in his way and controlling regarding what he expects of you as a mom and your role thereof, you should seek counceling. Again, a little late, as I would advise conversations like these to happen before marriage as they could be deal breakers with some couples, but now that you are here, at least talk about this stuff before the baby arrives so the environment for the child isnt disrupted and so you can better prepare yourself and your reaction.