Well, this has nothing to do with how much time you spend with your child. It's a matter of facing consequences for bad behavior. Did you discipline your son when he disappeared? If so, how? There are many forms of discipline, some good, some bad. First of all, you need to be up BEFORE your child is. So set your alarm, if need be. It's YOUR responsibility. Fix his door so that you hear him open it, if you have to, by attaching a bell at the top of it. Fix your front door so you hear him open it. I hung an indoor wind chime in front of mine. ANYONE who opened the door, I was alerted. Your son is 3 years old, but seems to have the rule of the roost. Stop being a child, and become the parent. My daughter hated sitting on her bed. That was her punishment. She wasn't allowed to lay down, watch tv, play, read, color...nothing. She had to sit...5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15, whatever. Second, follow through with a threat. Don't count to 5. Don't warn him or tell him more than once. Tell him one time, then say, "This is your discipline. Go sit on the bed." It doesn't matter if he gets off. For every time he gets off the bed, add a minute. If necessary, stand in the room and watch him for 5 minutes. If he lays down....add a minute. 3 year olds are smart. Don't allow him to hit you for any reason! If he hits you...back to the bed. Don't allow him to throw a temper tantrum. Tell him, "The longer you act like this, the longer you'll be on the bed." It will take time to establish this, and you will have to be willing to stop what you are doing and follow through YOURSELF by watching your son sit on the bed, but after consistency, it will begin to sink in, "I can't do this anymore." Establish an 8:00 p.m. bedtime. That means, shower done, prays said, stories read, but at 8:00 p.m., he's in bed. If he gets out, you get to stand in the doorway until he's asleep. This will give you time to spend with your spouse, and it will benefit your child as well. Whatever you do, stop telling your child more than one time to do ANYTHING!!! Tell him once. If you are out with him, he gets to go sit in the car with you. No toys. Nothing to play with. He has to sit!!! DO NOT COUNT TO 5. This gives him 5 chances to disobey. Tell him ONCE!!! When my children got older, I said, "You have a choice. You can do this with a spanking, or without, but you WILL do it!." I only had to tell them once. But if the bed didn't work, a light spanking (once on the bottom was enough). Also, kids want to know you care about them enough to discipline them. They will deliberately act up to see if you really love them. When this happens....back to sitting on the bed. My daughter is 19. The other day she got really smart mouthed. I looked at her and said, "Do you want to go sit on your bed?" Do you know, her attitude changed? It wasn't that I could make her sit on the bed at 19. It was the message, "I am still your parent and you will still obey me when in my house." I had no more attitude problem from her. I never had kids disobeying me, running rampant in the stores, throwing temper tantrums, or being holy terrors. They knew I was consistent with my discipline, so they didn't push me to the limit. They knew better. Each child is different. My son, I could just talk to, and he would stop misbehaving. My second child, she had to actually face a harsh discipline before she would listen. My youngest child, it was sitting on her bed. But they are all close to me now, and have good memories of a well disciplined, well organized house. Organization makes a world of difference in the behavior of children. Get your ducks in a row. Prepare for quality time with your child, but be prepared for some form of discipline when the child is misbehaving. And then prepare for quality time with your spouse when the child is asleep. And you know what? A firm hand on the seat of knowledge won't hurt him. It will only enforce you mean what you say. Just one swat is enough, usually. If you don't get him under control now, you'll have a terrible 5 year old, an out of control teen, and have trouble with authorities all your life. You KNOW to be consistent. Now do it.