2006-09-26 11:31:58 UTC
My mother is 46 years old and has no grandchildren.
I have been married for two years (together for 5) and my husband and I are trying for our first baby.
I mentioned to my mother recently that we wanted to have a baby soon.
She said I should wait until I am 30 until I have my first child.
She said if I waited then my little brothers would be 19 and 15 and she could focus more on being a grandma.
How selfish is her excuse?!
Why should I wait to have children when she decided to have more kids in her mid-late 30’s?
She can still be a grandma and be a mother to teen boys!
My step-dad (raised me) said he would be happy to be a grandpa, and he is only 43!
What do you think about my mother’s excuse for not wanting grandchildren now?
We have college educations, great careers, a home that is nearly paid off, and plenty of money. We are happily married and no parents have helped us with it all.