What do I do? I take care of my family. I am here for my kids instead of letting a stranger raise them. I'm here making sure my husband has a comfortable home to come home to. I understand he works hard so I try to do what I can to ease his burden when he is at home. At the same time he understands that I work hard so he tries to ease my burden. We're a team. Obviously you have no idea what it takes to raise a child. Since you asked I'll give your a rundown of my day.
5am--wake up with hubby, keep him company while he gets ready for work. He doesn't like breakfast so I don't make it for him. When he leaves I exercise and make my bed.
6am--wake kids--help them make their beds--start laundry or other household chores do yoga with the kids--we all get cleaned up and dressed.
7am--breakfast and tv time for kids
8-11--start morning school (we homeschool our kids)--take a break at 10 for snack. Keep in mind that I don't believe in prepackaged foods so I have to prepare all meals and snacks.
11-12--run errands outside of the house if needed
1-2--quiet time--reading, videos with the kids, coloring, naps, anything quiet
2-4--afternoon school with a break at 3 for snack
4-6--drive the kids to their sports and other activities
6--arrive home and start dinner--we eat arround 7pm
8--get kids ready for bed
During all of that I'm also cleaning, doing laundry, doing prep work for meals or snacks. I'm also the one who makes doctor appointments, keeps track of the finances, makes sure the bills are paid, takes pets to the vet, makes sure the vehicles are maintained, plans all meals and does the grocery shopping, etc. I run this house and I do it well. My husband has very little to worry about. He simply has to go to work and come home. He knows when he comes home the house will be clean and a meal will be waiting. He doesn't have to make his appointments. I do it for him. I take care of all of those things so he doesn't have to. He appreciates this and when he comes home he says that is when we have to team up. So, he often does the dinner dishes and gets the kids ready for bed.
Also, my day doesn't stop. My kids are in bed between 8-9. I have to plan for the next day. Kids are needy. Everything I just listed takes 10 times longer because you are dealing with the kids at the same time. But you learn to organize and multi-task. You get to go to work and probably sit on your *** at a desk. You do some menial job that anyone with the right training can do. You get to go home and sleep through the night. My job doesn't even allow me that. I don't get to sleep through the night. I stay up until 11 on a good night and I'm up a few times a night and then up at 5 to start it all over again. I'm on my feet all day and it is non-stop. Don't get me wrong. I love it but I can't stand people like you who have no idea what it is like but can sit there and judge.
My husband and I are a team. I'm working my *** off to raise two very smart, wonderful boys. We have a third on the way. Try doing all of the above while pregnant. I doubt you could do it. You'd probably be a whining baby.
I'd also like to add that I also run a home business as a time management/nutritional consultant. Sometimes business is slower than others. I also do volunteer work in the community. My boys and I volunteer at an artisans center and the local pet shelter. Am I sitting on my butt? I don't think so.
AND I used to be a newspaper reporter. My husband didn't work. He was attending college. He took care of our apartment and went to classes. I worked. He cleaned and cooked. Would you even for a second consider him a mooch or a leech? I doubt it.
I have two college degrees. I've worked as a reporter and a teacher. I now run my own business and do volunteer work. I stay home because I believe that taking care of my family is the most important thing I can do. I wouldn't have had kids if I didn't want to be the one to raise them.
I think you are a miserable person who is so unhappy with life that you have nothing better to do than sit and criticize something you have no clue about. Too bad for you.
Edited to add: And despite how hard I work I wouldn't trade my lifestyle for anything. I'm my own boss. I set my own hours. The kids and I can choose to spend the day at the park or go to a museum. I work my *** off but it is for me (and my family) and not someone else. Can you say the same? Nope.