2010-08-19 16:26:55 UTC
I'm at my wits end with a lot of the parents because we (assistant director and I) have reminded them ("ambushed" them when they drop off or pick up their children and and/or called them) that they need to come in to fill out paperwork, need to update their child health assessments, need their income proof for one month (for Pre-K Counts free child care), etc....and it doesn't seem to get through to them. If we were to refuse to admit their children without all the paperwork, I think we'd go out of business but I know we are required by the school district and law to have all of it in! All the director suggested to me was to bug them - calling them every single day (which makes my job 100 times harder, already completely stressed out now) - until they finally bring them in. I don't think that would work....doesn't seem to work with tuition payments with a few parents either. Our director has health problems so she has only been coming in once a week - the center is looking to hire another full-time director (in essence, firing her).
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to handle parents who refuse to cooperate like this? There are even a few parents who made appointments with me to get it all done and they didn't show up (didn't call to reschedule)! I know it's not fair to the parents to take time off work to do all of the paperwork but it's also not fair to me if they make appointments and then don't show up. I'm normally part-time but stay later if parents make appointments with me.