HELMET!!!!!! No matter the age. Is a must unless you want to spend each and every waking moment at his bedside in the Icu, watching his little body all limp and frail, hooked up to a million monitors, and hoping for a sign , just one sign, maybe an eyelid flutter, or a finger moving, just wishing that at the moment he could breath on his own. I know it sounds harsh, but accidents do happen, and alot of us think they are little how fast can they go on their bike, and if they did fall how far of a fall, they will be ok, but its the things we don't think of, that do it, what if a car comes barreling down the street and hits him, perhaps you don't get to him in time, say you just turned to say hi to the neighbor, and bam!!!!!!!! To be honest sometimes it doesn't even take a huge hit, our little guys and girls are precious and they are still growing. Cool or not they should be protected at all times. Heck, im a young mom with six tats. I love anything from rock, punk, funk, country, hip hop... I loved going to shows and raves, I lived the cool life to the fullest, I married a hot Marine that flew in helicopters daily, I know cool when i see it, and i make sure cool is on my sons head each and everytime he rides his bike :) So, put a helmet on that kid, make sure wears a seatbelt, and teach him how to protect himself. Its awareness and thats always cool!!!! :)