I took a holocaust class in last year in college and we had to read this book about a womans holocaust survival story. I really enjoyed the book so I gave the book to my older sister to read thinking she would also enjoy it. My sister did not read the book but she did let her 8 year old daughter read it. I learned about this because she told my brother about it on the phone. This was upsetting to me. I asked my sister "Did she read the book I gave you?" Her reply was "Yes. She got very upset reading it and I couldn't calm her down." Had I known the book would have ended up in my nieces hands I would never have given my sister the book as I find it inappropriate for an 8 year old to be reading because there are disturbing parts in it. Furthermore I find it irresponsible of my sister for letting her read the book when she herself didn't read the book first to be able to decide if it was suitable for a child to read. Would you have let an 8 year old read it?