I have one child, a 4 yr old boy who is always going bonkers. He's super active (not any disorders or anything, it's just his personality) and never seems to do anything on his own. All he does is interact and hang on me. My ex-husband is out of the picture so I am alone with this boy all the time and frankly I get exhausted and overly frustrated. Sometimes I ask my mom to watch him for a few hourse while I just spend some time alone. For some reason, i've gotten a lot of scornful reactions from other people about this . "Well, I took care of my own child." "What's the matter with you, your his mother, it's always your job." On and on. I figure I can only take so much...and when I start to get so frustrated and exhausted that all I do is walk around crying, it's ok to ask for help. I'm not a superwoman. It was not my intention to raise this child alone. My husband and I planned him and then after I get pregnant he left for another woman. I can't do this alone. Is that ok to admit?