How can I see what my children are doing on the computer?
2008-03-20 09:27:07 UTC
I have become concerned about the amount of time my teenage children spend on the computer. Is there some way I can find out what they are doing without them knowing about it?
58 answers:
2008-03-20 09:30:52 UTC
We had the same concerns; we bought a program called Spector Pro that records everything that happens on the computer. It takes pictures of what is on the screen, records emails, chats everything! It is totally hidden and even records passwords.

It was a real life saver for us.
2008-03-20 10:24:11 UTC
I use some of the built-in features and monitors on Windows Vista. Each child (9&11) has their own login and are unaware of my administrator password. Their accounts are setup as user accounts, so they do not have administrator privileges. I can monitor log files noting where they've been, by login, and can also block sites. This feature also allows you to set time limits on usage. Teens may, however, be more computer savvy and be able to (somehow) override the features. That said, most of the monitoring that's done is done by me... up close and personal. The computer that they use is in a common area of the house. They're not permitted to have a computer in their bedrooms. When they're on the computer, I make sure that I enter the room periodically and look at what they're doing. As far as I'm concerned, they should expect very little from me with regard to privacy when they're online as minors. They are aware of this, and my oldest tried to buck the idea at one point. My response was to restrict her from the computer for a week. I'm a firm believer in the idea that even the most trustworthy of kids can get into a lot of trouble online.
2008-03-20 09:33:05 UTC
That's not a good idea. It suggests that you don't trust your children and feel the need to spy on them. This could ruin your relationship with your children for years to come.

I believe that a better approach would be to put the computer in a common room, like the family room, so that they are not hidden away from the family. Also, use this opportunity to have more open & frank dialogue sessions with your children. Make sure they understand the dangers that are out there in "cyber world" so that you can spend less time worrying and more time interacting with them and educating them.

Addition: Some posters are recommending that you check Internet History or Cookies. Please know that both of these can easily be erased!
2008-03-20 10:01:39 UTC
I didn't read all the answers so sorry if I'm repeating.

First this is why you should keep the computer in a high traffic in the area of the house. Where you can glance over anytime. Also, I would say that it's much better to try talking to your kids first. If you sneak to check up on them they will just upgrade their own sneakiness to avoid you. If you're open and tell them that you're concerned and just making sure they're not doing anything dangerous. I would hope they'd be honest and appreciate the fact that you're TRYING to be respectful of them and communicate with them in an adult manner.

Now if you think they're lying and catch them, then kick their skinny teenage butts! Hey, you gave them a chance and they blew it, now you definitely don't need to tolerate any of their teenage BS.
Chris: An Atheist With A Plan!
2008-03-20 09:35:08 UTC
Okay first of let me say good job! Its allways good to moniter your kids on the computer. Now the major part of watching over your kids is on the internet. The web is good, but not all parts. If you would like to save yourself some time you could buy (some are free )something called a filter. That would block anything that you choose is inapropriate. If you dont want a filter most Internet Browsers come with a history button. In the latest version of Interent Explorer you can press the button or go to view and then Explorer bar. Once again their is allso free software that allows your kids to be monitered by you without them even knowing it.

But a warning, kids these days are so smart they can write their own programs. They could bypass the filters, aka hacking. Be on the lookout and feel free to E-Mail me if you have anymore questions.

Chris Pisano
2008-03-20 09:58:23 UTC
check the history of the computer, or a keystroke longer like others are saying, also, dont have the computer in their rooms, have it in a local room you can be in, like the family room. my friend has a 15 and 16 year old, and their computer is facing opposite the tv, so when the girls are the the computer, all she has to do is glance over and see what they are doing. she gets an idea on what sights they go to, and who they talk to, with out completely knowing everything they type, so the girls still get to feel they have a little privacy.
2008-03-20 09:35:28 UTC
Checking the history or the cookies will lead you to where they have been (that is if they are not smart enough to delete this information before they get off the computer so you need to get a program that will record the key strokes. You should also have parental blocks on the computer to prevent them from getting into certain sites and change your passwords often so that if by chance they learn them you will know they will be locked out again.
2008-03-20 09:32:45 UTC
ha you sound like my mom. i wouldn't be too concerned. don't sneak around trying to figure it out. Just talk to your kids, and sometime when they're not actually ON the computer, ask them what they do on there. don't be breathing over their shoulder or anything, cuz i know firsthand how annoying that is. it's good that you care, though. but communicating with your children is the best way, unless your kid has a record for going on really bad websites, ie porn, etc. then that would be ok, but the best way would just be to ask.
Nicole W
2008-03-20 11:39:42 UTC
Have the computer out in the open not in a corner or in their room so it is less likely that they will try to go to inappropriate sites just remember they have computers everywhere now days teach them about it and even show them things they are curious about even if you don't think they should see it its better you show them then some one just showing or them finding it themselves if you don't show them someone else will GOOD LUCK!
2008-03-20 09:34:50 UTC
Okay,, parents worry Wayyy to much about this im 16 and my parents think im addicted to the computer,, the truth is we're not it's, just there is little else to do nowadays, meaning there is no where to go that is fun and cheap,, etc. We just go on when there is nothing else so do. So chill out, they are probably just surfing the web on sites such as youtube, this, music sites etc etc and msn. If you are worried about what they are going on though get a parental lock thing where you can block certain sites, but to be honest that isn't showing much trust in them. Seriously though don't worry it's perfectly normall.

2008-03-20 09:33:09 UTC
As a teenager myself;I really don't care what my mom knows or doesn't know when I'm on the computer. She knows I go on facebook,buddy4u...ect. If she really wanted to know what was going on she would ask. I feel that if you search through history and whatnot on the computer it makes us want to do stuff you parents disapprove of. It's not like we don't want you to know it's just it makes us have a sence of freedom. Don't take that away from your children. Just ask them what they are doing, dont snoop.
2008-03-20 09:32:20 UTC
My mum did that to me, and it got me really annoyed because she was going behind my back and doing it, why dont you just try asking your kids, they might not tell you completely, but if you just say that you're concerned about how much time they're spending on the computer it'd be better than going behind their back because then they lose trust in you, because they think you don't trust them...

its probably just myspace....i know thats what it is for me, i'm hardly ever off of my computer now! its avery addictive website, and gets you away from reality and helps you meet new friends :)

it works wonders on stress, because you can just talk to people you don't know about your problems....i wouldn't worry about it really.

2008-03-20 09:52:18 UTC
no need to sneak, youre a parent, be a parent. put parentsl li mits in effect so theycan only visit certain sites, make sure its a password they will NEVER figure out, and WATCH them, you dont have to hang over their shoulder the whole time, but you need to check in on what they are doing.put the computer in the living room or someplace where everyone congregates.

why cant people just BE parents anymore??
2008-03-20 09:39:34 UTC
Take a day off of work and go to the address bar on their computer, if you don't know what that is it is where you type in a website. Once you do that click on the arrow to the far right of the website bar. The arrow should be pointing down now scroll down and see the websites they go to. If you can;'t get onto his/her computer I almost guarentee you they go to myspace. Now if you manage to go to on their computer you can dubble click on the username box and their username should popup. If it does their password should auto matically type its self in. Now click the login button and you will be in their myspace. Look at what the typed in to their friends and their friends pics. If you cant do any of that go to your computer and make a myspace. Type in your sons first and last name on the myspace toolbar and make sure you are looking for friends. Have a pic of his friend on your myspace picture and he'll invite you. Now you can see his friends.
2008-03-20 09:32:54 UTC
Check cookies and history on the computer or get some parental controls on your computer and set a time limit. Every child needs a time limit on the computer. I'd say no more than 1 hour for recreational purposes.
2008-03-20 09:33:49 UTC
There are software that can help you keep a better eye on the content they are viewing. Net Nanny is the most popular one. "Net Nanny has enhanced its administration tools. Powerful Remote Management tools exist to help parents to manage and maintain Internet policies remotely if an Internet connection exists. Monitor web browsing and instant messaging from anywhere!" Have a look at the website.
2008-03-20 09:30:39 UTC
Check the history, but if they are smart little fckers, they can erase it for good, search on the harddrive, look through all the my documents folders, on local disk C, documents and settings, and in their folder.....why are you letting them to be on the computer so long? Take away internet!!! Ur the freakin' parent act like one.
Sweet Sam!
2008-03-20 09:30:18 UTC
with everyone having a myspace and face book page, you have all the reason to be concerned. There are a number of software programs that allow you to track what goes on, on your home computer. They show you all the websites and also what they might be saying in instant messages. I will try and search and get back to u on that one.
2008-03-20 09:32:44 UTC
If you have more than one computer, simply install Symantec PC Anywhere on all pc's. Set your computer as the remote and all the rest as a host. You can then simply press a button on your computer to instantly find out what they are up to, you can see what is on their screen, lock out the keyboard & mouse and even shut down the computer. That is how I kept watch on what my kids were doing on their PC's. It is a bit technical to set up but once it is done, it is easy.
2008-03-20 09:30:58 UTC
Check the history after they have used the computer


Check what cookies are stored on the computer

You can't see what they are doing as they are doing it - only afterwards

2008-03-20 09:29:57 UTC
You need to put the computers in a common place, like the living room or dining room. I think there is software out there on the 'net that allows parents to track what their kids have been doing.

Or you can just limit them to one hour per day, unless they have a project or paper that they have to work on.
2008-03-20 09:34:42 UTC
open up the web browser

if it's a mozilla firefox browser follow these instructions: to the top of the page and go to history, go all the way down to open in side bar, on the left side will be folders with all the sites she goes to.

if it's an internet explorer browser go to the address bar and type in "a", a bunch of sites starting with a will pop up, back space and type "b", keep doing this through the whole alphabet

NOTE: if your daughter finds out about this she'll get pissed, she may know how to delete the browsing history
2008-03-20 09:32:02 UTC
They sell software to monitor this stuff for you. That is a nice easy one stop way to do it. Otherwise most of what kids would do with the computer to get themselves in trouble would be using messenger and Internet Explorer. In Internet Explorer go to the star and click history. It will tell you what sites theyve been to and when. In messenger options you can set it to record conversations. So this way you can go in and look at the conversations they had.
2008-03-20 09:30:24 UTC
You can download keystroke trackers that run in the background of the computer. They will not show up in the task menu and will be able to show you everywhere they went, who they were talking to you, and what exactly they typed in. Go to and search through them to see which one you like the best.
2008-03-20 09:29:37 UTC
Might I suggest being a parent? I remember when I was a teen my mother would have online sessions with me or make me tell what I was doing on the PC. She also inhibited the firewall to only allow me on sites that are on a trusted list that she put there herself as an admin.
2016-02-08 04:24:47 UTC
children computer
2008-03-20 09:31:58 UTC
where u type in the website u want 2 visit, there is a down arrow 2 tell u the history of what you've been doing. thats one way u can check but if they r smart enough they can go 2 tool, clear private data and delete that

good luck though!
2008-03-20 09:30:48 UTC
Try looking at the history. If they're smart, and covered there tracks, they probably deleted them! Get a monitoring program that records their every move and can block pornographic sites. They cannot delete their tracks! They're relatively inexpensive for the amount of protection you get.
2008-03-20 09:31:44 UTC
if they're looking at something they dont want you to see then a comp smart teen will delete the history, get a net nanny to prevent them going on any unsavory sights rather than spying on them...
david r
2008-03-20 09:30:27 UTC
Well you can use a keylogger. that moniters all activities on your computer. You can also put blocks on it like net nanny. Go to for a keylogger, just down load what one looks best
2008-03-20 09:30:29 UTC
you could oh I dont know... spend time with them, ask them, go talk to them when they are on the computer and ask them to show you what they are up to ... if they get all nervous and twitchy.... they're obviously doing something you dont want them to be doing.
2008-03-20 09:30:43 UTC

Im a teenager and i tell my mum what im doing when she asks me, just them and be honest, if your worried tell them :)

I dont think theres any program to see but im sure theyre just on bebo, msn, facebook and listening to their music :D

i hope i helped you

lottie :)
2008-03-20 09:29:23 UTC
Get a keylogger - then youll know

a computer literate child knows how to clean up internet use and erase history and cookies
kelly c
2008-03-20 09:33:53 UTC
heyya just now and agen say so wat u looking at but in a casual way n theres this cookie website u can go on to n other websites but if u get really confused ask at a computer store see if they can help luck x
I am a GUY
2008-03-20 09:29:51 UTC
fix a mirror to the either side of the computer and watch from some distance.
2008-03-20 09:30:29 UTC
buy a net snooping software suite like net nanny or the similar from a reputable site , install and monitor..
I say this and that
2008-03-20 09:29:39 UTC
All internet pages viewed are saved in a folder under My Content
2008-03-20 09:30:04 UTC
go on the internet home page.

at the top there should be a clock or something.

its the history of what they have been on during each day.

but the history can be deleted

hope this helps.
2008-03-20 09:30:18 UTC
Get a program that copies ever keystroke. Get it from a reputable dealer.
2008-03-20 09:29:24 UTC
On the internet toolbar, you can click "History" and see all the sites they've visited in the past 6 weeks at least.
2008-03-20 09:36:59 UTC
most teens are pretty smart nowadays and they more than likely know how to erase the history and what not.....i bought a program from best buy to spy on my boyfriend and its called spector pro i believe......just go to best buy and ask one of the sales people, tell them your situation and they will be more than happy to help
bball girl
2008-03-20 09:30:25 UTC
when they are done look in the address bar history to see what sites they got on to i am sure nothing bad is happenin
2008-03-20 09:30:04 UTC
That is a shady thing to do. If they find out, they won't trust you again for a long time. Don't do it
Born Country
2008-03-20 09:29:52 UTC
You don't have to sneaky about it! Just start limiting their time on it and be there when they are using it! That's what smart parents do!
2008-03-20 09:29:51 UTC
Depending on their age, its probably better to not know. Let them have their space if there 12 years old or above. If your trying to block sites for smaller children, try NetNanny.
2008-03-20 09:30:16 UTC
Put Winspy on the computer.
2008-03-20 09:31:21 UTC
1) mayB you should set up a camera somewhere in the room......

2) or you could just check their history---(if they deleted it check in recycling bin)
Life ain't always easy
2008-03-20 09:29:25 UTC
Do a google search for a product called pc detective. Download the free trial and see how well you like it. If you like it, then buy it.
2008-03-20 09:29:48 UTC
Search through their history on the comp!!
2008-03-20 09:29:24 UTC
Just look at the internet history when they get off, it will show you the websites they went on.
2008-03-20 09:30:43 UTC
look at the history,

and if they have erased anything,

that means that they were on something bad.
2008-03-20 09:30:20 UTC
Just go to history. MY mom doent know how thank god
2008-03-20 09:29:04 UTC
Check the history or get a key stroke reader, they are pretty cheap.
2008-03-20 09:29:37 UTC
If they're guys, they're looking at porn most likely. Check the history:

Ctrl+H = history.
Billy James
2008-03-20 09:29:40 UTC
family keylogger

free works, very good hiding ability

READ the material given with it in order to use it properly :)
Chloe S
2008-03-20 09:31:18 UTC
Ctrl+H for history. everything they have looked at will be there.

Vampira Answers You
2008-03-20 09:29:01 UTC
you can look on cookies and history of your computer.
2008-03-20 09:29:17 UTC
don;t let them on it or sit there with them while they're on it

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