How do I get my daughter to call my spouse daddy instead of calling my father daddy?
2007-07-27 13:28:35 UTC
How do I get my daughter to call my spouse daddy instead of calling my father daddy?
Fourteen answers:
2007-07-27 13:59:42 UTC
My sister did this to my grandparents. she would call our grandmother "mom" and our grandfather "dad". She said it's because our parents called them mom and dad. My mom started calling them grandma and grampa and she stopped this. She and my dad also started calling each other mom and dad to stop the confusion.

My niece also did this too. She would call my sister "Di" or "Diane" because that is her name and it was what her dad called my sister. Now he calls her mama and my niece caught on.
Just Wondering
2007-07-27 20:32:41 UTC
Children mimic you. so call your spouse daddy, Really its a monkey see monkey do type thing there..Also when she calls her grandfather daddy, tell her no, that is grandpa..point to your husband and say that is daddy. But dont make a game out of it with the child. If they see something that gives them alot of attention then they sometimes keep it up for the attention..So long as when they are grown who mom and pop are.

Now if grandpa plays a more active role then dad, then dad needs to get his butt in to gear and fast.
2007-07-27 20:42:43 UTC
She will stop in time. My two year old used to call any women that's an authority figure, like her grandmothers "mama" & calls her grandfathers "dada" she just recently started calling them me-maw, pee-pa, pop pop, & granny. It's just a phase. She was calling me my first name for a while too & I was all freaked out but it's just something that they go through & she will stop eventually. It doesn't mean that she doesn't know that there's something special about her actual father, she knows that's her daddy. She's just not putting the word daddy with her daddy, so tell him not to be overconcerned with it. Take care. :-)
2007-07-27 20:31:57 UTC
She is just copying what she is hearing! Stop calling your father Daddy around her and always refer to your hubby as Daddy! She will soon catch on I used to do it myself when I was a child.
2007-07-27 20:56:02 UTC
Why is she calling him daddy in the first place?

If its because you call him that and she just picked it up than start calling him grandpop. And always refer to your husband as daddy until she catches on.
2007-07-27 20:32:50 UTC
Just explain to her that you call your father "daddy" because he is YOUR daddy and that she has her own daddy.

If she says it by accident correct her and also have your father try to ignore her if she calls him by the incorrect title and only acknowledge the correct one (unless its an emergency of course).

Encourage her if she gets it right.

If she continues then don't stress it, she'll get it in due time.
Tricia S
2007-07-27 21:42:23 UTC
I have to agree the best way is to call your husband daddy and your father grandpa or whatever he is going to be. My husband and I call each other mama and daddy. We call my mom and dad Na-NA and Pa-Pa and so does our son.
2007-07-27 20:40:52 UTC
why would you want her to refer to him as daddy? Is the spouse the daughters daddy? This is one of the problems of having children out of wedlock. A lot of times they are confused their entire life. It is hard to change horses in mid stream!
EC Expert
2007-07-27 23:05:50 UTC
Is she calling him that because you call him that or because she has always viewed in the role of father. You can try explaining it to her but it might be simpler to give your spouse a different title such as Papa.
2007-07-27 20:37:21 UTC
Refer to your husband as daddy when your talking to her. and maybe call your dad, poppy. Lots of grandkids do.
2007-07-27 21:30:21 UTC
She shouldn't be forced to call your husband "daddy". He's not her daddy.

No wonder she's confused.
2007-07-27 20:32:03 UTC
YOU call him daddy, and reference him as Daddy to her, and she will just pick it up... assuming she is young.
2007-07-27 20:38:11 UTC
Well, if her father is still a part of her life, you may never get her to do that. Also, don't try to force certain associations towards people on her if she is not comfortable with it.
Uncle Tim
2007-07-27 20:31:14 UTC
LOL why would you want to? that's cute! - - - OH oops, i read your question wrong. Ummm... depending on how old your daughter is, you may have to wait.

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