My Aunt and Uncle are constantly buying expensive gifts for their kids. Their sons (ages 10 and 13) and their daughter (16) all three have Ipod touches with otter box cases. What a waste of money!! Recently my 16 year old cousin lost hers and on a whim my Aunt went and bought her a new one at walmart along with the case. I think it's absolutely ridiculous! I am 19 and never received anything expensive from my parents and I turned out just fine. We are thrifty and get nice things from yard sales and are always using coupons, etc. When i was younger and everyone had to have ipods, I got a $20 mp3 player which was just fine. When I have children, I will get most of their items from yard sales and instead of spending $700 for three kids to have ipod touches (that are worthless unless in a wifi area anyway) I will put that money towards their college funds!! Who agrees???