2010-12-08 08:16:55 UTC
2. How much money have you spent? (If you're not done yet, how much more money are you going to spend?)
3. How many people in your extended family do you buy for? (And by that I mean people other than those in your household, including parents, siblings, etc...)
4. Where do you usually do most of your shopping?
5. Do you do all of the wrapping yourself?
My answers...
1. About half. =/
2. Around $350.
3. We buy for my mom, my dad, my stepmom, my husband's parents, my husband's 2 siblings and all of their kids. (6 kids total.) Then on my dad's side we do a name drawing thing and this year I have 2 of my cousins and 1 second cousin. On my husband's mom's side we buy for 2 kids and 1 white elephant gift. Then we have another gift exchange on his dad's side.
4. Wal-Mart, Kohls, Target, Hastings (really awesome entertainment store we have here), Old Navy.
5. Yes, I wrap every single thing. I have so much fun wrapping presents, it's one of my favorite things about Christmas. =D
BQ: Anyone else going to be finishing up the shopping on Christmas Eve? LOL I am! Because that's when I'm going to have money again...FML.