Christmas shopping poll...?
2010-12-08 08:16:55 UTC
1. How much of your shopping do you have done?
2. How much money have you spent? (If you're not done yet, how much more money are you going to spend?)
3. How many people in your extended family do you buy for? (And by that I mean people other than those in your household, including parents, siblings, etc...)
4. Where do you usually do most of your shopping?
5. Do you do all of the wrapping yourself?

My answers...
1. About half. =/
2. Around $350.
3. We buy for my mom, my dad, my stepmom, my husband's parents, my husband's 2 siblings and all of their kids. (6 kids total.) Then on my dad's side we do a name drawing thing and this year I have 2 of my cousins and 1 second cousin. On my husband's mom's side we buy for 2 kids and 1 white elephant gift. Then we have another gift exchange on his dad's side.
4. Wal-Mart, Kohls, Target, Hastings (really awesome entertainment store we have here), Old Navy.
5. Yes, I wrap every single thing. I have so much fun wrapping presents, it's one of my favorite things about Christmas. =D

BQ: Anyone else going to be finishing up the shopping on Christmas Eve? LOL I am! Because that's when I'm going to have money again...FML.
31 answers:
2010-12-08 08:25:23 UTC
1. How much of your shopping do you have done? I just finished this morning. I am done. well I still have to get some candy for the stockins but thats it

2. How much money have you spent? (If you're not done yet, how much more money are you going to spend?) I dont know exactly.. our budget was $100 per kid ( 3 kids) and I think I've propably spent that. Not more.

3. How many people in your extended family do you buy for? (And by that I mean people other than those in your household, including parents, siblings, etc...) My two nieces and my brother and sister in law but only because they live in the same town and they always get us stuff.. If they lived like in another state I woldnt bother.. lol

4. Where do you usually do most of your shopping? This year I hit Walmart and Amazon, I'm still waiting them to ship me a few things

5. Do you do all of the wrapping yourself? yes. I love wrapping them :D

Last year I didnt finish until eve and I was pissed because it was so crowded and they were out of stock for all the cool things so this year I made sure I was up on my game early enough
2014-12-16 12:02:35 UTC
1. How much of your shopping do you have done?

Unless I've missed something or I end up buying something extra I'm pretty sure I'm done now! I'm just waiting on one more delivery though!!

2. How much money have you spent? (If you're not done yet, how much more money are you going to spend?)

I have spent so much! Around £160-£170 which is the most I have ever spent!!

3. How many people in your extended family do you buy for? (And by that I mean people other than those in your household, including parents, siblings, etc...)

My mum and dad (but I live with them) always get presents. This year I have also bought both of my grandmas, my grandpa, my auntie and unle and my cousin something :)

4. Where do you usually do most of your shopping?

I have find most of it online this year. I did some in ASDA and a Primark too though.

5. Do you do all of the wrapping yourself? Yeahh :P well, my mum sometimes gets the tape for me haha :D

I won't be shopping on Christmas Eve!! I plan to have all my friends presents out before then too!!
*Eric's Wife* *^_^*
2010-12-10 07:39:00 UTC
1. How much of your shopping do you have done? very little... just a few things i bought for the girls ahead of time during the year.

2. How much money have you spent? (If you're not done yet, how much more money are you going to spend?) um.. about $31.00 so far.. (found things on sale and clearance) Not exactly sure how much we are going to spend, probably around $75 each for the girls, and $10-$20 each person. Not sure if hubby and i will buy gifts for each other this year, depends on if we have enough $$ after buying for everyone else.

3. How many people in your extended family do you buy for? (And by that I mean people other than those in your household, including parents, siblings, etc...) We have my dad and step-mom to buy for, hubby's mom and dad, my sis and hubby, my bro and wife, my hubby's brother and nephew, and his sister..

4. Where do you usually do most of your shopping? Wal-mart, although i still go out to the malls and other stores like toys r us, but I'd say still a majority is found at walmart.

5. Do you do all of the wrapping yourself?

yes I do! I have a stash of saved giftbags and tissue paper I reuse, as well as a ton of christmas wrapping paper left over from a few years back when my hubby bought a bunch on sale LOL!
2010-12-08 09:10:28 UTC
1. How much of your shopping do you have done?

I only have one more thing to buy

2. How much money have you spent? (If you're not done yet, how much more money are you going to spend?)

so far spent 350...spending about 20 more bucks. Husband hasn't even started this is just from my half.

3. How many people in your extended family do you buy for? (And by that I mean people other than those in your household, including parents, siblings, etc...)

Mom, dad, mil, fil, sil, my grandma

4. Where do you usually do most of your shopping?

I like to look in different places I have never shopped so I'm always buying different things each year. This year I bought from Think Geek and Etsy were two new places. But then I shopped at target and best buy

5. Do you do all of the wrapping yourself?

Yes. I have fun wrapping them too. And I like to add my own touch to the paper. I don't use paper that has designs already on them.
Busy Mama
2010-12-08 08:31:37 UTC
1. How much of your shopping do you have done?

Almost all. I have a couple more things to order online.

2. How much money have you spent? (If you're not done yet, how much more money are you going to spend?)

I've already spent about $200. I plan to spend about $100 more.

3. How many people in your extended family do you buy for? (And by that I mean people other than those in your household, including parents, siblings, etc...)

Bought for parents, brothers, SO's siblings, SO's parents, my 2 aunts, and my 2 best friends.

4. Where do you usually do most of your shopping?

I did a lot of shopping online this year. I also went to Walmart and Kmart

BQ: I hope not! That would be pretty stressful. Good luck with that.

5. Do you do all of the wrapping yourself?
2010-12-08 08:24:47 UTC
1. How much of your shopping do you have done? Almost done! I have like 3 more things to pick up!

2. How much money have you spent? (If you're not done yet, how much more money are you going to spend?) Oh gosh. Too much. I've spent about $500. But only going to spend about $100 more.

3. How many people in your extended family do you buy for? (And by that I mean people other than those in your household, including parents, siblings, etc...) Just my in-laws. My mother in law and my father in law.

4. Where do you usually do most of your shopping? Toys R Us. Best Buy and Target.

5. Do you do all of the wrapping yourself? Yes.

BQ: Anyone else going to be finishing up the shopping on Christmas Eve? LOL Yes. I get paid on that day and so does my SO!
2010-12-08 08:22:53 UTC
1- I've been saying I have been done for 2 weeks but every time I go to the store I find something else to get them. Both of my kids have birthdays around Christmas(the 14th, and then actual christmas day), so I just claim them to be Birthday gifts now.. I haven't even bought my husband or parents anything yet, so that portion I am not done with .

2-I've spent probably atleast 500 on each kid so far.

3- I buy for my parents, my in laws, my grandparents, and my older brother.

4-I buy the toys from either Target or Toys R Us, some things from Walmart, Kohls, Old Navy, and Best Buy

5- If I want them looking decent I wrap them all, my husband prefers to just use gift bags, and newspaper.

BQ- I'm sure I will be out buying something for someone Christmas Eve..Don't they have some great bargains that night too? I know Toys R Us is having a 75% off thing that night..I will be there with my cart! lol
2010-12-08 08:33:29 UTC
1. I've only bought three toys for Jarrett.

2. As of right now, 40 dollars. In total probably 500 dollars.

3. My amount includes my whole family- my sister, nephew, brother, niece, other sister, grandmother, my parents and Kyle's parents. (Our family used to do secret Santa, but until my uncle cheated and left my aunt our whole family is estranged.) I am also buying for my good friend Martin, I love him and without him I would be lost.

4. Frys Electronics (its a huge computer store for Kyle) Target, Big Lots, Toys R Us, Kohl's, and wherever else I see something. LOL. I am not a shopping planner, I just go with the flow.

5. I do all the wrapping. I love wrapping presents and especially the wrapping paper. At Big Lots I found A Christmas Story wrapping paper. Its so cute and I love it! I also found some 80's looking wrapping paper at the dollar store. I had to get it because it reminded me the wrapping paper when I was little.

BQ:ME TOO! I am probably shopping on Christmas Eve and I don't even care! I am a HUGE last minute shopper and it runs in my family as well.
2010-12-08 08:23:04 UTC
1. How much of your shopping do you have done? The kids are done. I still have family to buy for.

2. How much money have you spent? (If you're not done yet, how much more money are you going to spend?) I have calculated at least $125 more to spent. I'm sure I've already spent $300 or more. Prob $500, I'm afraid to check.

3. How many people in your extended family do you buy for? My parents, in laws, my grandparents, my brother, sis in law, 2 nieces, my bff and her girls.

4. Where do you usually do most of your shopping? Online b/c I live in the boonies. I prefer to pay shipping than hassle with finding a sitter, standing in line, mall traffic etc. Some toys I found at Walmart (the only local store really).

5. Do you do all of the wrapping yourself? Yes. My husband will wrap mine only, but that' ok. I like to wrap when the mood strikes me.

BQ: Anyone else going to be finishing up the shopping on Christmas Eve? Probably. I get a Xmas bonus and my paycheck Dec 23 and will probably hit Walmart on the 24th.
~They call me MOMMY~
2010-12-08 08:25:06 UTC
1. I am completely done for my son and fiance. Still need to get something for my parents.

2. About $200-$250.

3. I buy for my parents. My siblings and I don't buy each other anything because there are so many of us (7).

4. Walmart, Target, Fred Meyer

5. Yes, I do all of the wrapping. I even wrap things that my parents bought for my siblings and other people. I find it relaxing!

BQ: I personally won't be shopping for anything, but I plan on helping my mother out. That is when she will get paid next so that is when she does the shopping for the rest of the family.
Aubree's Mommy♥
2010-12-08 08:40:05 UTC
1. Finished all but two people. I know what Im getting for them, just have to get to Target to pick it up!

2. My goodness, probably close to $400-$500, Id say.. but that includes Aubree's $80 toybox and $150 that I spent on my SO. I have about $30 to spend yet (I spend $20 per kid in the family, and we only buy for the kids. Ive already bough my little brother one thing but it was only $10 so I have $10 more to spend!)

3. This year, we are buying for Aubree - each other (my SO and I) and the kids in our family (I have 4 nieces and 1 nephew, he has 2 nieces 1 nephew).

4. Ive done most of my shopping at Target or Walmart.

5. Yep, wrap everything myself. Ive actually wrapped everything already. I also do my Dads Christmas shopping for him ..for his Grandkids, a total of 6.. and just did that this past weekend so I still need to wrap those gifts. Ah, Im such a good daughter.. LOL!

BQ; No way Jose! I did that one and never again. The mall was WAY too crowded for me. Im not a crowd person at all (: BUT, if I were in your situation... Id have no choice but to finish then!
2010-12-08 08:26:22 UTC
1. How much of your shopping do you have done?

I pick up the last layby today

2. How much money have you spent? (If you're not done yet, how much more money are you going to spend?)

Too much

3. How many people in your extended family do you buy for? (And by that I mean people other than those in your household, including parents, siblings, etc...)

Mum, MIL, FIL, Brother, 2x SIL, SIL's 2xboys and 2x step girls, 3 of my nieces and 2 of my nephews.

4. Where do you usually do most of your shopping?

In the spare room, but next year that will be my daughters room so I'll have to find somewhere else

5. Do you do all of the wrapping yourself?

Yes :-/

BQ: NO WAY!!! After tomorrow I'm not going back. I'll get my food at the local supermarket, no way am I going into town.
Mummy of 6
2010-12-08 08:35:07 UTC
About 75%

So far about £800.

I have my mum, half sister, two grandmothers, my stepgrandfather, great grandmother, a couple of cousins and aunts, sister and brother in law, my parents in law and a few friends.

I do most of my shopping online, because it's much less time comsuming. M&S, Argos, Debenhams, Next and Selfridges are current favs.

No, my hubby, friends or inlaws help out! I'm not particularly fond of wrapping, so whoever i can get to help out, does. Most of the time, i'll have the items gift wrapped in the store, if possible to save even more time.

I usually finish my shopping on Christmas eve, but this year i want to get all the gifts out the way early. However, i didn't bank on seeing new little gifts to get my babies, so i may well end up shopping on Christmas eve..
2010-12-08 08:21:37 UTC
1. DONE! Unless I see some small cute things, but I've pretty much finishes. And I'm almost done wrapping the gifts from me and hubs.

2. Erm... a lot. Like I said, if I buy anything else it will be small and inexpensive.

3. My parents, his mother, and we give each aunt/uncle/cousin set a "family" gift. This year I'm giving each an ornament and a jar of chocolate chip cookie mix. The cookies are delicious.

4. I did a lot at Target this year, also sporting goods stores.

5. I do, my husband wouldn't know how to properly wrap a gift- he uses gift bags for my things!

Victoria Wellington, who the crap are you? You're not even the least bit amusing of a troll.

Ah, she's gone. For those who haven't seen her she's a very foul mouthed troll who joined Y!A yesterday.
2010-12-08 09:30:57 UTC
1. I keep saying I'm nearly done but then I still end up having to buy more!!

2. I've spent about $600

3. I only buy for one person that is not in my immediate family....everybody else is my husband, child, parent or sibling.

4. has gotten SO MUCH money from me this year. I also bought a bunch of giftcards at various restaurants.

5. Yep, yep, yep! I love wrapping presents and often end up going to my Mom's house and wrapping for her as well. : )

I think for the first time in years I will NOT be shopping in the days right before Christmas. Of course....then I think of my first answer in this survey and I start to wonder.....
2010-12-08 08:30:00 UTC
1. Very Very Little

2. $200 spent already and about $800 left to go give or take

3. This year we are buying for 3 neices, 1 nephew, and 1 brother-in-law (this year we decided to wing most of the kids off of christmas and do better birthday presents. so for the ones we didnt do birthdays with we are doing christmas gifts this year and then winging them off. We also only buy for kids under 18 unless we give out cookies/popcorn to the adults).

4. Wal-Mart, Amazon, ToysRUs, and sometimes Target

5. Normally me or my husband does yes. Sometimes if I can find good deals on wrapping we have others do it.

BQ: I shouldn't be doing anything shopping Christmas Eve unless I forgot something or still hunting.
2010-12-08 08:19:01 UTC
1. How much of your shopping do you have done?

~ALMOST all of it, i have mayb 2 more thing to pick up!

2. How much money have you spent? (If you're not done yet, how much more money are you going to spend?)


3. How many people in your extended family do you buy for? (And by that I mean people other than those in your household, including parents, siblings, etc...)

I am buying for 7 people besides my children

4. Where do you usually do most of your shopping?

Walmart lol

5. Do you do all of the wrapping yourself?


BQ No lol i will this weekend.
Jenn ♥Cadence Jade's mum♥
2010-12-08 08:52:00 UTC
1. How much of your shopping do you have done?

-about 99% of it. Just need to pick up 2 gifts cards tomorrow

2. How much money have you spent? (If you're not done yet, how much more money are you going to spend?)

-I'd guess between $800 and $1000

3. How many people in your extended family do you buy for? (And by that I mean people other than those in your household, including parents, siblings, etc...)

-well my parents are in our household but I buy for Cady, hubby, parents, MIL, good friends in Edmonton

4. Where do you usually do most of your shopping?

-Walmart, Toys R Us

5. Do you do all of the wrapping yourself?

-sure do
2010-12-08 08:29:50 UTC
1. I am completely done shopping! Yay!!!

2. Around 700.00

3. I buy for my parents, step parents, and one grandma and one cousin

4. Wherever I can find the best deal. I am a bargain shopper and will go to 100 places if I need to and back to first one to find a the best deal!

5. Of course. This is my favorite part until about present number 20.

Nope, I'm DONE! And I love Hastings too!
Shannon L - Gavin's Mommy
2010-12-08 09:44:33 UTC
1. About a quarter :(

2. We've spend about $200 (that includes my mom, and our 5 nieces and nephews). And we still have to buy for our son. We have a lot of things picked out, but we're going to order a lot of it online (cheaper!)

3. We draw names at my parent's house, but this year we're only getting for the grandkids and doing smaller gifts for our parents. Then we also buy for my husband's parents, his sister, BIL and Grandmother and biological dad. I usually make goodies boxes for my two sisters, my parents, husband's parents, grandmother, and two aunts and uncles.

4. So far it's mostly been at Toys R Us, but that's because we've mostly only bought for the kids. I usually hit Wal-Mart, Hobby Lobby, Bass Pro (for the fishers in the family), Macy's or Dillards for my MIL, Khols. And usually about half our shopping comes from online, usually Amazon. You can find EVERYTHING there and read reviews to make sure you're buying something that's worth it.

5. Absolutely! I LOVE wrapping presents. The year before last (last year I was in bed with a 6 inch hole in my stomach and a newborn baby boy) I even hot glued little poinsettias and pine cones to the packages. I love making them pretty.

BA: I'm sure we'll be making last minute buys, but I hope to have all our shopping finished by next weekend. I'm taking off this Friday to prepare for our son's 1st birthday party, so I'm hoping to get my husband's shopping finished then. =)
2010-12-08 08:26:14 UTC
1. All of it! I am done!!! Yea me! I'm usually still scrambling about now.

2. More than I intended, but we're doing better this year, and had it to spare.

3. My parents, my brother, and my grandmother.

4. All over, I found some great deals on the internet, various sites.

5. I do the wrapping.
2010-12-08 09:08:14 UTC
1. About half

2. around $80, probably will spend $100 more.

3. My grandma, my mom, and my half brother

4. walmart, kohls, bestbuy (if they have what i want).

5. I wrap all of the gifts i buy, and sometimes the ones my mom has baught for my grandma. I love to wrap things. I lock myself in the basement, turn my computer on to a movie or whatever, and have at it.

BQ: are you insane? lol, ain't no way you're getting me in stores then.
Jenn H ~Proud Mom of 2<3
2010-12-08 08:22:39 UTC
1. I am done--thank goodness!

2. not sure--about 10-20 per person other than my husband (100) and son (100-150).

3. i buy for my brothers/BIL (3), SIL's (3), Mom, Dad, Meemaw, Nieces (3), Nephews (4), my best friends kids (4), pappap, my husband so thats----22 people plus me

4. Walmart, Bath and Body works, Gander Mtn., Target, Kohls, Kmart

5. Every single item is wrapped.

BQ: nope all done *sigh*
2010-12-08 08:24:23 UTC
Pretty much done, it just have to finish my husband.

Ugh, I've spent around... $250? I'm not sure

We buy for our daughter, 5 neices and nephews, each other and usually my immediate side (as there are no kids on my side)

We are pretty tight this year, so we are handing out family Xmas photos for the adults, I made videos for my parents and we are just doing stocking stuffers for each other.

I did the kids shopping at walmart, zellers and online at chapters.

I did my hubands shopping at the mall! He is so picky, I went into every store for ideas
Sexy Texy
2010-12-08 08:19:37 UTC
1. I'd say 75%...and I'm proud of that! Haha :)

2. Last time I racked all my receipts together I was just under $1100

3. 4...parents and inlaws

4. Online, Walmart, Cabelas, Target

5. My husband helps...he's actually a pretty good wrapper as long as the box isn't an awkward shape.
Macaroni chan
2010-12-08 08:26:03 UTC
1. None.

2. None, our budget this is year is $200. Probably will end up spending twice as much.

3. Everyoneee.

4. Everywhereeee.

5. Yep.

BQ- Yes.
2016-10-05 02:52:50 UTC
a million. on line extra often than not - I ventured out as we communicate and regretted it while the female in front of me in a queue began screaming down her cellular "i'm calling the f*cking police, he's to not be left on my own with them youngsters" Grrrreat. Embarrassed glances all around. 2. Did that still. offered a e book - fragrance, the story Of A murderer. 3. definite my cat. he's superb, we share it 50/50, yet he would not wrap any provides as he has an inclination to paw mince the wrapping paper. BQ - worst present substitute into some hideous new age music CD from my mom. i substitute into tortured for weeks after with telephone calls of 'have you ever listened to it yet'. Ran out of excuses and listened to 45mins of pan pipes. whales and waterfalls. Nightmare.
Mama to 2 princesses
2010-12-08 09:02:21 UTC
1. About half, too.

2. Not to sure...quite a bit though, they're all for people really close to me.

3. Best friends and their kids, my uncles and aunts, their kids and their kid's kids, other really close relatives I'll see on Christmas.

4. Malls.

5. Yes, I enjoy personalising gifts.
2010-12-08 08:21:34 UTC
1. i got one present, only because i happened to see it when i was ordering birthday presents for my son.

2. around $25. i have no idea how much i'm going to spend. i don't have a strict xmas budget but try to find something that everyone will like.

3. my parents, my brother and sister-in-law, my inlaws, and my nephew. probably small things for teachers and a couple neighborhood friends.

4. online

5. yeah. gotta spend xmas eve doing something.....

bq. it's totally typical for me still to be shopping on xmas eve.
Two Peas
2010-12-08 13:43:54 UTC
1. I'm about halfway done too

2. about $400 =/

3. ugh, 21. It's crazy. Besides Kyle and Emma, we buy for my mom, my dad, my sister, kyles mom, kyles dad, kyles brother, kyles nephew, kyles newphews baby momma lol, my grandma, my grandpa, my other grandma, my other grandpa, my great grandma, my great grandpa, my aunt, my uncle, and their 3 kids... we don't see anyone else during Christmas so we don't buy for them, they don't buy for us lol.

4. Walmart, Target, Kohls, Gordmans, and a couple specialty shops downtown.

5. I wrap everything! I love wrapping presents! lol
2010-12-08 08:19:38 UTC
1- not much at all... 2 things for the elsdest, a dress for the 6 yr old... and part of a plane ticket for my mom...

2- how much $$$... about 200$... will be over 1000$ when i'm done

3- my two nieces, my two youngest brothers... and my mom

4- stores... lol

5- all of it

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.