For those of you that home school your kids, how did you decide that?
After our daughter survived two years with an abusive teacher at one school, and a murder attempt by a classmate at another school (in one of the top districts in the country), we'd had enough.
What does it cost you to home school your kids? I’d assume you need to purchase a curriculum or that you have some test YOU need to take as the teacher?
Cost varies, but for us it's very little. We don't purchase a curriculum, because we don't need a committee telling us what our child needs to learn. There is no test we have to take as the teacher. Interestingly, we do almost no teaching. Our child is in many classes. Her math teacher, for example, has an MBA. One of her science teachers is a bbiologist. Her writing teacher is an author. Her PE teacher is a black belt in Tae Kwan Do. She does social studies on her own.
How do you plan your lessons?
We go by her interests.
Do you have a curriculum you’re supposed to abide by?
In our state, we are supposed to teach specific subjects, but no one is standing over our shoulders to monitor us.
How does testing and grading go?
We don't believe in tests and grades. They are artificial measurements of achievement.
And who determines if your child passes or fails?
We don't concern ourselves with "passing" and "failing." We just learn. Believe me, we know if she's doing well.
Do any of you who DO home school your kids, work during the day?
I have an online business and my husband works full-time at NASA. He can telecommute for a good portion of his job (which is what he's doing right now, since he took our daughter to choir).
Or maybe at night? Full time or part time?
We work our schedule aournd our child's needs, and it works.
Every family is different, however. You might find this resource helpful:
All the best.