Dear Person,
I have a statement to be recorded at your website about me being tracked, heard, harassed and stimulated by dream movies.
I have been going through this for the past five years and could not get off from this.
I have made the legal complaints to police stations and legal departments but still they have not heard me.
I am telling you this because i am aware about the authenticity of the work you guys are involved in tracing the modern scientific development of such aids or devices used to track, capture and destroy people.
I hope you would go into these details and would achieve the truth of how people use this technology to trace people and use dream animation technology to harass them.
I have been socio-political victim of my countries' politician. After i was interviewed at national talent hunt by the Indias top most politician Rahul Gandhi...all this started. They kept the Presidents's tag on me and the inferior politicians got me trapped in this web with the nexus of filmwalas of lower productions.
They use technology to disempower me and weaken me so that i succumb to their pressure they use in my body digitally and pain the muscle continuously.
At night they show the dream movies with their technology about my past with the same ideas repeated continuously. They try to distort the reality.
I am writing this full awareness of the fact that such statements made makes one think whether i have gone abnormal. No let me put clearly that i have not discussed this with anyone as much and know that would be considered in vain. Also would be considered been gone mad.
However, please do take me seriously and my case affirmatively. You will get the substance of such crimes taking place in the world.
They have used silicon or some micro particles which have been fixed in the body and are tracing through it. They have further advanced the usage of this criminal technology in digital way to destroy me.
i want is to confirm from you guys the truth in use of such technology and its effect.
Please do call me on 9221353566(use indias's code before dialing)
Shoaib Ali