I understand, i had my first baby at 20, he was not planned. I married the father, but then we divorced when my son was 6. I have now been married a yr to my new husband and my son is 12. We are expecting the end of sept. This baby was planned and we tried for 4 months before succeeding.
I have wanted another baby since my son was 2, but was patiently waiting until it was a matual thing. It never happened with my ex so i continued to wait.
One day my husband came home from being gone all week and told me he was ready to have a baby. (He knew i wanted more kids and has never had any himself. I told him i would wait until he was ready too)
I was so excited, yet scared too. The one thing to remember is if you wait until you are "ready financially" you may never have children. If you are already financially stable and you both want children then talk to your husband about it. Not many guys will reject the idea of trying.
My husband is 33 and i am 32 we are 28 wks pregnants and started trying about august of 06 and were successful in oct ish, but lost the baby a week before Christmas. The baby was between 5-8 wks, which is why i say oct ish. Our doctor gave us the go ahead to try again and we were successful the first try.
Most people think you have to wait months before trying again, but our doctor said there is no physical reason why you should wait to try again once you have waited 2 weeks after the bleeding stops from a miscarriage. Your body is healed by this time, at least only being 5-8wks along. Most of the reason for waiting is to recover from the loss (we had only known about a week that we were pregnant) and or to get your period back on cycle to be able to more easily predict the due date. They can find this out by blood tests and ultrasounds so, not a huge issue.
Also that miscarriage happen all the time, in most cases there is nothing you did wrong that caused it. A lot miscarriage happen when people don't even know they are pregnant yet.
This is likely more info then you wanted, but it is information i wish i would have known before trying to get pregnant to be prepared.
Being scared is normal, if you were not scared i would be concerned. We have my 12 yr old son and are all nervous, but very excited about our little girl/sister.
Don't be so afraid that you decide not to have a child, from the sounds you would not feel fullfilled without one.
Talk to your husband and tell him how you feel and get started on the baby making!!
Good luck!